iCab 3.0b280
InScript Release 171
ScriptEngineMajorVersion 3
ScriptEngineMinorVersion 20
- HTMLDocument: createElement, createTextNode
- Node.appendChild
- functionName.name
- window.toSource
- navigator.userLanguage now returns the user's preferred language for web documents
- MSIE-DOM (especially
all collections) can be deactivated
- reserved key words are accepted as identifiers, but a warning is issued in this case
- calling a regular expression with /re/("args") triggers /re/.exec("args")
iCab Pre 2.9.8
iCab Pre 2.9.7
InScript Release 165
ScriptEngineMajorVersion 3
ScriptEngineMinorVersion 19
- arguments.caller
- functionName.caller
- toString/toSource return the function name for host functions, too
iCab Pre 2.9.6
InScript Release 164
ScriptEngineMajorVersion 3
ScriptEngineMinorVersion 18
- SpiderMonkey/Mozilla catch guards ("
catch (identifier if expression) { } ")
- CSS properties can be assigned
null instead of an empty string
iCab Pre 2.9.5
iCab Pre 2.9.1
iCab Pre 2.9
InScript Release 162
ScriptEngineMajorVersion 3
ScriptEngineMinorVersion 17
- all DOM interfaces (e.g. HTMLDivElement) now have a global constructor object and a corresponding prototype
- Embed is called HTMLEmbedElement now
- speed an memory optimizations
iCab Pre 2.8.2
InScript Release 157
ScriptEngineMajorVersion 3
ScriptEngineMinorVersion 16
- new objects: ActiveXObject, Attr, CharacterData, Comment, Document, DocumentFragment, Element, NamedNodeMap, NodeList, Text
- Node: attributes, childNodes, cloneNode, firstChild, hasAttributes, hasChildNodes, insertBefore, isSupported, lastChild, localName, namespaceURI, nextSibling, nodeName, nodeValue, normalize, parentNode, prefix, previousSibling, removeChild, replaceChild
- HTMLDocument: createAttributeNS, createAttribute
- HTMLDOMImplementation: createDocumentType, createHTMLDocument, createDocument
- HTMLObjectElement: contentWindow, contentDocument
- HTMLFrameElement: contentWindow
- HTMLIFrameElement: contentWindow
- window: frameElement, _content
- APPLET elements are returned as HTMLAppletElement objects; if JavaConnect is active these objects have access to the Java properties of the applet
- HTMLObjectElement objects that contain Java applets have access to the Java properties of the applet if JavaConnect is active
- frames and iframes are returned either as global objects or as HTML(I)FrameElement objects, depending on the query
- Node and Event are Function objects now, so they can be used on the right side of an instanceof expression
iCab Pre 2.8.1
InScript Release 147
ScriptEngineMajorVersion 3
ScriptEngineMinorVersion 15
- some more debugging possibilites (available through the URLs "inscript:inspector()" and "inscript:settings()")
iCab Pre 2.8
InScript Release 145
ScriptEngineMajorVersion 3
ScriptEngineMinorVersion 14
- new objects: Closure, HTMLOptionsCollection
- HTMLDocument: compatMode, doctype, frames
- HTMLElement: contains, scrollIntoView
- HTMLInputElement: complete
- Event: CAPTURING_PHASE, AT_TARGET, BUBBLING_PHASE, bubbles, cancelable, currentTarget, eventPhase, timeStamp
- Object: eval, unwatch, watch
- navigator.plugins.refresh
- window: atob, btoa, crypto.random, external.AddFavorite, execScript
- const declarations ("const c = 1;")
- readyState is now also a property of HTMLAppletElement, HTMLObjectElement, HTMLFrameSetElement, HTMLFrameElement, HTMLIFrameElement, HTMLHRElement, HTMLInputElement, HTMLImageElement, HTMLLinkElement, HTMLScriptElement, HTMLTableElement, HTMLTableSectionElement, HTMLTableRowElement and HTMLTableCellElement
- operator "in" now also works for HTMLCollection, MimeTypeArray, PluginArray, StyleArray, Style, JavaPackage, JavaArray, JavaClass and JavaObject
- Date.parse recognizes AM/PM and date formats like [m]m-[d]d-[yy]yy or yyy[y]/[m]m/[d]d
- Date.toString returns "Invalid Date" instead of "NaN"
- the Date constructor returns a valid milliseconds value on PPC Macs
- if, while and do..while issue a warning if you use an assignment (=) instead of a comparison (==)
- for..in accepts undefined and null values
- parse errors in global code are reported to onerror
iCab Pre 2.7
InScript Beta 131
ScriptEngineMajorVersion 3
ScriptEngineMinorVersion 13
- new objects: HTMLLabelElement, HTMLFieldSetElement, HTMLLegendElement, HTMLUListElement, HTMLOListElement, HTMLDListElement, HTMLDirectoryElement, HTMLMenuElement, HTMLLIElement, HTMLBaseFontElement, HTMLFontElement, HTMLModElement, HTMLOptGroupElement, HTMLMapElement, HTMLTextAreaElement, HTMLButtonElement, ExceptionCode, Node
- HTMLAnchorElement: accessKey, tabIndex, focus, blur
- HTMLAreaElement: accessKey, tabIndex
- HTMLFormElement: item, namedItem
- HTMLInputElement: defaultValue, maxLength, readOnly, src, accept,
accessKey, alt, align, indeterminate, size, status, tabIndex, useMap
- HTMLOptionElement: label
- HTMLSelectElement: add, item, remove, tabIndex
- HTMLSelectElement.options: add, remove
- HTMLTableElement: caption, insertRow, deleteRow, createTHead, deleteTHead, createTFoot, deleteTFoot, createCaption, deleteCaption, rows, tBodies, tFoot, tHead
- HTMLTableCellElement: cellIndex
- HTMLTableRowElement: cells, insertCell, deleteCell, rowIndex, sectionRowIndex
- HTMLTableSectionElement: insertRow, deleteRow, rows
- mimeTypes: item, namedItem
- navigator: product, productSub, vendor, vendorSub, oscpu
- plugins: item, namedItem
iCab Pre 2.6
InScript Beta 125
ScriptEngineMajorVersion 3
ScriptEngineMinorVersion 12
- new objects: Embed, HTMLAppletElement, HTMLObjectElement, HTMLParamElement, JavaArray, JavaClass, JavaMethod, JavaObject, JavaPackage
- global: getClass, java, netscape, Packages, sun, valueOf
- Object, Function: toSource
- JavaScript-to-Java communication: InScript follows Mozilla's LiveConnect3 proposal; you can read and set variables, call methods and constructors, use operators instanceof, == and === on Java classes and objects; explicit method and constructor specification is supported; Java arrays are not fully functional yet
- Java-to-JavaScript communication: Java classes JSObject, JSException
- query of an APPLET element now results in a JavaObject, if Java is active and the applet is loaded
- event.returnValue is evaluated
iCab Pre 2.5.3
InScript Beta 109
ScriptEngineMajorVersion 3
ScriptEngineMinorVersion 11
- new objects: HTMLHtmlElement, HTMLHeadElement, HTMLLinkElement, HTMLMetaElement, HTMLBaseElement, HTMLIsIndexElement, HTMLFrameSetElement
- HTMLCollection: namedItem
- HTMLDocument: documentElement
- HTMLPreElement: width
- HTMLHRElement: noShade
- HTMLTableElement: align, border, cellPadding, cellSpacing, frame, rules, summary, width
- HTMLTableCaptionElement: align
- HTMLTableCellElement: abbr, align, axis, ch, chOff, colSpan, headers, height, noWrap, rowSpan, scope, vAlign, width
- HTMLTableColElement: align, ch, chOff, span, vAlign, width
- HTMLTableRowElement: align, ch, chOff, vAlign
- HTMLTableSectionElement: align, ch, chOff, vAlign
- eval code is executed in the scope of the frame that defined it (rather than in the caller's frame scope)
- global proxy-config code is executed
iCab Pre 2.5.2
InScript Beta 103
ScriptEngineMajorVersion 3
ScriptEngineMinorVersion 10
- ECMA262-3 is implemented completely, ScriptEngineMajorVersion() now returns 3
- new objects: HTMLTableElement, HTMLTableCaptionElement, HTMLTableCellElement, HTMLTableColElement, HTMLTableRowElement, HTMLTableSectionElement, HTMLTitleElement
- Number: toFixed, toExponential, toPrecision
- RegExp: lastParen ("$+"), lastMatch ("$&"), leftContext ("$`"),
rightContext ("$'"), input
- HTMLDocument: elementFromPoint, height, readyState, width
- HTMLElement: ownerDocument, scrollLeft, scrollTop, scrollWidth, scrollHeight
- HTMLSelectElement.options.options
- window: find, innerHeight, innerWidth, outerHeight, outerWidth, pageXOffset, pageYOffset, screenLeft, screenTop, screenX, screenY
- security model available (based on Netscape's "Same Origin Policy")
- HTML attribute names can override predefined properties of Element objects.
iCab Pre 2.5.1
InScript Beta 93
ScriptEngineMajorVersion 2
ScriptEngineMinorVersion 9
- regular expressions are evaluated, i.e. RegExp.exec and RegExp.test are now functional
- String: match, search
- String.split and replace adapted to regular expressions
iCab Pre 2.5
InScript Beta 92
ScriptEngineMajorVersion 2
ScriptEngineMinorVersion 9
- new objects: DOMException, DOMImplementation, HTMLBRElement, HTMLDivElement, HTMLHeadingElement, HTMLHRElement, HTMLParagraphElement, HTMLPreElement, HTMLQuoteElement
- HTMLBodyElement: aLink, background, bgColor, bgProperties, link, text, vLink
- HTMLCollection.tags
- HTMLDocument: classes, contextual, getElementById, getElementsByName, getElementsByTagName, ids, implementation, tags
- HTMLElement: children, clientHeight, clientLeft, clientTop, clientWidth, currentStyle, getElementsByTagName, isTextEdit, offsetHeight, offsetLeft, offsetParent, offsetTop, offsetWidth, parentTextEdit, style
- Array: concat, item, pop, push, shift, unshift, slice, splice, toLocaleString
- Date: toDateString, toTimeString, toLocaleDateString, toLocaleTimeString
- Event: button, keyCode, keyVal, layerX, layerY, metaKey, offsetX, offsetY, which, x, y
- Function: apply, call
- Number: toLocaleString
- Object: hasOwnProperty, isPrototypeOf, propertyIsEnumerable, toLocaleString
- String: concat, localeCompare, toLocaleLowerCase, toLocaleUpperCase
- global: decodeURI, decodeURIComponent, encodeURI, encodeURIComponent
- wrong closing script comments ("-->" instead of "//-->") are treated like line end comments
- setTimeout/setInterval support calls of type (fn,ms[,args...])
- new memory management (GC now uses a generational mark & sweep algorithm)
iCab Pre 2.4
InScript Beta 81
ScriptEngineMajorVersion 2
ScriptEngineMinorVersion 8
IFRAME s can be evaluated through document. iframename
iCab Pre 2.3
InScript Beta 79
ScriptEngineMajorVersion 2
ScriptEngineMinorVersion 7
- new objects: Event, RegExp
- HTMLInputElement: click, select
- nested functions and function expressions
- HTMLDocument, Window: captureEvents, releaseEvents, routeEvent, handleEvent (still not functional; the latter two can also be found in HTMLElement)
- regular expressions are currently ignored, but do not terminate the script any more
- window.onerror
- window.Event, window.event
- element event handlers can be defined from script source code
- event handlers are passed an "event" argument
iCab Pre 2.2
InScript Beta 70
ScriptEngineMajorVersion 2
ScriptEngineMinorVersion 6
- new objects: Option, Error, EvalError, RangeError, ReferenceError, SyntaxError, TypeError, URIError, HTMLScriptElement
- HTMLElement: className, dir
- HTMLFormElement: enctype, acceptCharset
- HTMLInputElement: disabled
- HTMLSelectElement: multiple, size und value
- Document: scripts
- Global: undefined
- Window: back, forward, home, print stop
- Labelled Statements, break label, continue label
- infinite recursions do stack checking
- Operators
in and instanceof
- try/catch/finally/throw
- Runtime errors are thrown as exceptions
iCab Pre 2.1a
InScript Beta 64
ScriptEngineMajorVersion 2
ScriptEngineMinorVersion 5
- HTMLDocument: activeElement, body
- HTMLDocument: execCommand, queryCommandEnabled, queryCommandSupported (these functions always return false)
- Window: toString
iCab Pre 2.1
InScript Beta 63
ScriptEngineMajorVersion 2
ScriptEngineMinorVersion 4
- new objects: HTMLImageElement, Image
- HTMLDocument: alinkColor, bgColor, charset, defaultCharset, fgColor, linkColor, parentWindow, vlinkColor
- Link: toString
- String.prototype: replace, slice
- Window: debug
- Array and object literals
- switch/case/default
- Operators === and !==
- document.open returns a reference to document
iCab Pre 2.0
InScript Beta 55
- new objects: HTMLAnchorElement, HTMLAreaElement
- HTMLCollection: item; furthermore, MSIE's function-style access to collections is supported
- HTMLDocument: domain, getSelection
- HTMLElement: document, getAttribute, id, innerHTML, innerText, insertAdjacentHTML, insertAdjacentText, lang, outerHTML, outerText, parentElement, removeAttribute, setAttribute, sourceIndex, title
- HTMLFormElement: action, encoding, method, target
- HTMLInputElement: form
- HTMLSelectElement.options.selectedIndex
- Checkbox- and Radio elements have the properties checked and defaultChecked
- Function.arity (equals Function.length) and Function.arguments
- String literals may reach over more than one line if the line break is preceeded by a back slash ("\")
- String.prototype.substr
- global functions ScriptEngineMajorVersion and ScriptEngineMinorVersion
iCab Pre 1.9a
InScript Beta 39
- new objects: HTMLCollection, HTMLDocument, HTMLElement, HTMLFormElement, HTMLInputElement, HTMLOptionElement, HTMLSelectElement
- Document: anchors, applets, close, embeds, images, links, open, plugins
- Window: blur, close, focus, open, opener, moveBy, moveTo, navigate, resizeBy, resizeTo, scroll, scrollBy, scrollTo
- "javascript:"-URLs may return a result string.
- You can access the characters of a string like an array (with a numerical index).
- Event handlers are executed in DOM context.
do .. while
iCab Pre 1.9
InScript Beta 31
- First public InScript beta version.